This is everything I've done up to this point in time:
+ Player controller
+ Player inventory
+ Procedural terrain generation prototype, based on amplitude
+ Procedural cave generation prototype
+ World layer generation prototype
+ Temporary tilesets
And this is everything I still have to do regarding the features above:
* Join the terrain, cave, and layer generation prototypes into one world

Alright, so as you might see, there is quite a large time gap between this, and the last log.
Long story short, what happened is school, and a lack of motivation. School is still a problem for development, but I gained some motivation again.
Let's hope it doesn't go away.
Anyways I've shifted focus to the core parts of the game, which I should've started with.
No more working on the procedural generation. Now to work on the inventory, crafting, automation, item transportation, power, and so on.
This is a very ambitious game, so it'll take many years to finish. Oh, and add some more years on top of that. The reason being, I am still quite inexperienced.
+ Added drag and drop for the inventory items
I didn't do much on this particular day, but that doesn't mean I can't say what I did here.
Adits are objects, with which you move down or up a layer.
+ Added a way to make the player unstuck, when stuck
* Adits now change the bottom tile to a non-collider one
Happy new year!
+ Added a debug console
+ Added a command to set the player speed
+ Added right-click functionality in inventory
+ Added a version watermark
+ Added placeholder chest texture
+ Added inventory to chest functionality
+ Added testing scene
+ Added placeholder Sawmill texture
+ Added machine UI

Status: School began again...
+ Added recipe for wooden planks
+ Added sawmill functionality
+ Added crafting